Week 2.School of Solone №1.Which innovations are making the world more innovative?

The pupils collected and shared ideas abot innovations which are making the world more innovative. We examined different fields of human activties and discovered that a lot of innovations can improve our life.

Which innovations are making the world more innovative?

The pupils collected and shared ideas abot innovations which are making the world more innovative. We examined different fields of human activties and discovered that a lot of innovations can improve our life.

Video on YouTube: 

Week 1 of the InnoProject

This is a presentation completed by students from "Velizar Stankovic-Korcagin" primary school from Central Serbia.

What is innovation?

Most students have been looking at the definition of innovation on the Internet and they all agreed that innovation is the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or a service that creates value or for which customers will pay.

W1 Inno project: results on the brainstorm 4WE-HW-EC of KA1 Hasselt

W1: What is innovation according to my students (brain-storm/class discussion).                         

First week

The students learned the concept of "innovation" and explained why innovation is important to the world. Then explored the existing Romanian inventions and the need for these inventions.

Presentation file: 
