Week 4 - Skype with another country!

The last week was the favorite one!

My students only had 1 condition! I had to find a non-European school to skype with!
And with the help of Twitter I got in contact with Allison a teacher from Canada.

Week 2 - The inventions

This week my students got to present their invention.

Video on YouTube: 

Goals: reflection and thought

We have looked thoroughly through the different goals and the ones that are most appealing to us are:

Week 1 - What is innovation?

This week my students got to know the SDG's.

They had to think about innovation and what a good declaration of innovation was.

Together with the students, my student Marek made a video of the first week.

Video on YouTube: 

W1 Inno project: results on the brainstorm 4WE-HW-EC of KA1 Hasselt

W1: What is innovation according to my students (brain-storm/class discussion).                         
