
Our Projects

Using knowledge of electricity to create new solutions

Students went through a "KWL" type process and shared the knowledge that they had already gained in their Electricity unit about how we can rethink the use of renewable/non-renewable energy sources. They then went on to come up with ideas on how a 'future city' would look where each student pair would be able to design one part of the city with the aim of helping some type of 'social issue' or 'social challenge' in the world.


Innovation projects
Week 2 and 3
Our future city of 2030!

Tanmay Davé


I am teacher and educator who believes in pluralism and embedding spirituality in daily activities with all my students, empowering and inspiring students to do their best in creating a better world through empathy, social justice, and innovation, and lifelong learning through my travels and volunteering abroad for the past ten years.

Follow me on Twitter: Twitter

School: David Leeder Middle School