
Our Projects

What is innovation?

During the first week students discovered and discussed the meaning of innovation and we discussed about their benefits and side effects. Students focused their research on innovations at our school.

Innovation Project: Week two

During this week students worked with the Sustainable Development Goals. They worked in groups and started designing different inventions related to specific SDGs.

Innovation Project Week 3

We continued working with one specific SGD: Sustainable cities and communities. We are planning different strategies and discussing ideas on how to make our classroom more sustainable. 

Denisse Apotheloz


I hold an MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. I obtained the Cambridge Certificate in Teaching Bilingual Learners and continued my studies in the UK. Nowadays I am currently working as an academic manager at primary school, as a test designer and teacher trainer.

Follow me on Twitter: Twitter

Zoe Alzogaray

School: Escuela y Liceo Elbio Fernandez