Invention video:how to remove trash in the ocean

Students in my fourth grade ELL class designed machines that will remove the trash and recycle it from the ocean. Sound quality on first presenter is poor, then it gets better. 

Flipgrid Tutorial

Students give a tutorial introduction to how to use Flipgrid

Video on YouTube: 

Working on innovations to help with SDG Goals

This one goes with SDG #14

Presentation file: 

What is Innovation

Students brainstormed and discussed the greatest innovations of all time and created a Top 10 

Innovation Project Week 2

After learning about Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace & Justice, a Law class in Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada dives into seven sub-targets and shares their findings.

Skype in the Classroom Inspire Us

During this second week, students participated in different Skype sessions with guess speakers who talked with them about taking care of our environment.

Propaganda Posters

During this week student put on their thinking caps applying what they learned about climate change action in order to create a poster propaganda using a chosen application where they conceptualized an idiom about nature.

