Week 3

An tutorial made by my students about how to use Smore- a great app for education. 

SOFT EDUCATION: Closures of clothing products

<p>}Class: Traineeships</p>

<p>}Branch: Technological</p>

<p>}Basic training: TEXTILE INDUSTRY AND SKIING</p>

<p>}Field of general training: TEXTILE AND LEATHER INDUSTRY</p>

Presentation file: 

The innovation imperative in education

"Our future growth relies on competitiveness and innovation, skills and productivity... and these in turn rely on the education..."

Water in Our Lives

“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect, but by the play instinct arising from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the object it loves.”- Carl Jung

The Innovation Project- Week 3- St. Augustine's, Clontuskert, Ireland

This week the students from St. Augustine's N.S, Clontuskert, Ireland, worked very hard on their final video for the Innovation project. We researched the meaning of ICT, examples of ICT, STEM and how STEM and girls are linked.

Video on YouTube: 

How will be the Classroom in 2030?

the Students  make this prototip of Classroom, because they think that the ICT can improve the Education. they choose the SDGs4 Quality.  Education

Video on YouTube: 

Week3. School of Solone №1.How we are using ICT tools in an innovative way.

We can't imagine our life without ICT tools.
