What is Innovation?

Here the student defined what is innovation and what they intend to do on this project. We make a small video about this discussion.

Positive Learning Environment

  For more than 2 years now I'm trying to create a positive learning environment in my classroom.  I learnt a lot and earned many certificates through attending many courses online or face to face, but as I beleive that applying what I'm learning is the most important thing. So I bega

Innovation and the World in 2030

Innovation depends on the way we use it. 

Students worked on the meaning of innovation and how they see the world in 2030. 

Innovation In Schools

Have Embarked on the project to Involve school students into the Sustainable Development Goals.  This is aimed at making them understand the need to implement these goals. This later Unlocks their Innovativeness in their minds. I am Glad i am helping to build a better world.

Video on YouTube: 

Think Outside The Box

Students met in 3 sessions , they searched the meaning of innovation and discussed their prespectives in different fields, they all agreed that Innovation means "To think outside the box"

Video on YouTube: 

The Innovation Project

21 Apr. 2018,


We all put our minds together this week in such a innovative way, working through boundries, challenges and limitations, to create an amazing presentation on such a widely discussed topic.

Innovation: Imagine the future and fill in the gaps

Because innovation is the intersection between what's desirable for the students and what's possible with technology, I have a brainstorming session in which we discuss the meaning of innovation, some examples and how it can end poverty.
